Source: Calzone Vimeo Channel

Calzone posted a video "Heartley the Horse - Dr. Lance Cleveland The Animal Cracker Testimonial" on VIMEO

Heartley The HorseAfter exhausting Vet recommendations with no improvement Heartley was deemed "unsafe to ride" Additionally, countless others agreed that all hope was lost for my ex-plow horse and at best he would be a pasture ornament or need to be "put down."I was lost and heartbroken when I finally took the advice of a newly found friend at the barn and positive mentor. She recommended that I give Dr. Lance Cleveland,,"The Animal Cracker" a try. I was a nervous wreck the first day he came out and I am not sure if he knew the value of his words that day or how every piece of my heart needed him to give me something to justify Heartley's existence. Dr. Lance saw what others were missing; a tired body was evident, but not tired enough to give up yet! He gave us a set of exercises to do and rain or shine we diligently muddled our way through them. The next month came with evident proof of improvements and the next three months continued to bring more improvements as we plowed through our recommended exercises! The following video taken at month three and shows what pure heart, unbreakable dedication and a side of "The Animal Cracker" can do! Thank you Dr. Lance and my new barn friend, you were both exactly what we needed and we are forever grateful! Kelly & HeartleyCast: Calzone

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